Our Activities

Smart Waikato Trust has partnered with over 300 businesses, organisations, schools, iwi and government agencies to deliver Smart Waikato programmes. Our initiatives are practical and effectively support youth transitioning from education to employment.
Read more on our initiatives below.

Secondary School Employer Partnerships
Secondary School Employer Partnerships (SSEP) is an award-winning initiative raising students aspirations, resulting in higher achievement, retention and better transitions.

Smart Transitions
Employment Brokerage Services
Smart Waikato connects businesses with young people who are keen to work and learn, and supports employers to develop new, entry-level work opportunities.

FutureForce® Careers Hub
FutureForce® Careers Hub – Waikato’s trusted guide to careers in our region – has moved from print to a live digital presence. Created by young people, for young people, this resource has been carefully developed to give you an edge as you begin to make important decisions that shape your career.

endorseMe® Employability Record
endorseMe® is a digital tool purposefully designed to help identify, develop and record work-readiness skills based on the New Zealand Employability Skills Framework.

Young Enterprise Scheme
The Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) is an experiential programme in which secondary school students set up and run their own business. Smart Waikato co-ordinates YES in the Waikato-King Country region.

SPAN – Bridging the Gap
Smart Waikato and Blue Light are collaborating to deliver this year-long programme to eighty 16-18 year olds over a two-year period in Kirikiriroa. This is an individualised holistic service incorporating driver training, in-depth careers consulting, career hauora resources, work readiness skills, and transitions support leading to meaningful work and further training.